The Modern Exchange for Specialty Crops

The Specialty Crops Exchange (SPECCX) is a technology platform that serves as a global marketplace, enabling farmers to sell specialty crops (i.e., fruits and vegetables) directly to groceries, food distributors and other buyers at prices that are agreed upon by both parties that use proprietary pricing algorithms to inform their decisions.

SPECCX facilitates spot transactions between farmers and buyers of specialty crops. SPECCX also enables farmers and buyers of specialty crops to enter into forward contracts whereby the farmer and the buyer agree up-front on the price for a crop to be delivered in the future.

It’s easy to get started with SPECCX!

Click the Sign-Up button and complete the form! You will be contacted by SPECCX for the next steps.

A New Paradigm

SPECCX facilitates both spot and forward transactions between farmers and buyers of agricultural commodities.  A marketplace that matches like-minded farmers and buyers of specialty crops and that automates the generation of market prices through a state-of-the-art price mechanism based on fundamentals of economics, SPECCX resolves the coordination problem between farmers and buyers of specialty crops, giving this sector of the agriculture industry a spot and forward market that enables DIRECT transactions supported by modern financial tools.