SPECCX™️ Rules of Exchange

As a Participant in the electronic marketplace (“Exchange”) of SPECCX, LLC (“Company”) for transactions in the specialty crops industry, and through the completion by the Participant of the account creation process and the execution of the SPECCX Platform Agreement and the SPECCX End User License Agreement (“SPECCX Agreement”), you acknowledge and agree to adhere to the following Rules of the Exchange as a condition of your use of the Exchange:


(a) Acceptance Period - the period of time during which a Buyer or Seller may accept a SPECCX Contract through the Exchange

(b) Agreeable Price - a price generated by processes within the Exchange such that the price is at least as great as the Ask price and no more than the Bid price, given that the Bid Price is greater than or equal to the Ask Price

(c) Ask Price - the minimum price, as revealed by a Seller through the Exchange, that is acceptable to said Seller, unless and until the Seller reveals otherwise through the same procedures and processes by which the previous Ask Price was revealed to the Exchange

(d) Bid Price - the maximum price, as revealed through the Exchange by a Buyer that is acceptable to said Buyer, unless and until the Buyer reveals otherwise through the same procedures and processes by which the previous Bid Price was revealed to the Exchange

(e) Buyer - a Participant, or an agent or representative thereof, that either has or, within the past three years, has had active offers to buy through the Exchange

(f) Commodity - fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits and horticulture and nursery crops, including floriculture, grown on and harvested from property owned by the Seller, and included within a Product for sale through the Exchange

(g) Contract - a legally binding agreement between the Buyer and Seller of goods or services

(h) Contract Period - the period of time between the date on which the contract becomes effective and the date and time at which each party has satisfied its respective obligations

(i) Delivery Date - the date that marks the obligation of the seller to deliver its produce under the terms of its contract and that marks the beginning of the obligation of the buyer to pay according to the terms of its contract

(j) Delivery Price - the price paid by the Buyer to the Seller on or after the Delivery Date according to the terms of their contract

(k) Effective Date of SPECCX Agreement – the later of the Origination Date of the SPECCX Agreement or the Renewal Date of the SPECCX Agreement

(l) Final Agreed Upon Price - an Agreeable Price that is accepted by both Buyer and Seller, regardless of whether the transaction was settled through the Exchange

(m) General Offer - an offer made by a party to all counterparties with active offers for a given product

(n) Origination Date – the date that the Participant first signed a SPECCX Agreement

(o) Participant - a third-party, such as a farm or one who sells Commodities that it owns at the time the offer to sell is made or a grocer, restaurant, food manufacturer, food processor or one who purchases specialty crops, that successfully completed Registration with the Exchange

(p) Pending Transaction - a transaction between a Buyer and Seller whose offers were sufficiently similar that the Exchange presented offer terms to the parties for each one to accept, counter or cancel

(q) Product - a Commodity or collection of Commodities

(r) Registration - the process whereby one who wishes to use the Exchange (1) assents to the terms of service, rules and any end user license agreement, (2) affirms that one has and maintains the full right, power and authority to enter into and to perform all obligations under the SPECCX Agreement, (3) stipulates that the execution of a Contract by its Representative, if any, whose signature is set forth within the necessary authorizations through the Exchange has been duly authorized by all necessary corporate or organizational action of such party,  and (4) promises that it shall at all times provide all cooperation and assistance as may reasonably be requested by the Exchange to enable the parties to exercise their rights and perform their duties under and in connection with a SPECCX Contract

(s) Renewal Date of the SPECCX Agreement – January 1 of each year, following the Participant’s Origination Date, during which one remains a Participant of SPECCX in good standing in the discretion of the Company

(t) Seller - a Participant, or an agent or representative thereof, that either  has or, within the past three years, has had active offers to sell through the Exchange

(u) Settlement of a Contract - the fulfillment by both the Buyer and Seller of their respective obligations under the terms of their Contract

(v) Settlement of a Contract through SPECCX - Settlement of a Contract such that a duty arises in the Exchange to transfer funds to the Seller in the amount of the Settlement Price of Seller

(w) Settlement Period - the period of time scheduled for Settlement of a Contract

(x) Settlement Price of Buyer - the price agreed upon by the Buyer and Seller plus a Transaction Fee payable by the Buyer

(y) Settlement Price of Seller - the price agreed upon by the Buyer and Seller less a Transaction Fee payable by the Seller

(z) SPECCX Contract - a Contract executed and settled through SPECCX

(aa) SPECCX Database - the data repository of the Exchange that stores all data relevant to Buyers and Sellers, including a record of all key terms of a transaction between a Buyer and Seller

(ab) Specific Offer - an offer made by a party to a particular counterparty with an active offer for a given product

(ac) Transaction Fee - the fee payable by either Buyer or Seller to the Exchange upon Settlement of a Contract, as defined within the Rules of SPECCX

2. Accuracy of Data

2.1 Standard of Accuracy - Best Efforts and Knowledge

(a) Any data submitted to the Exchange by either a Participant or a Seller or its agent(s) must be true and accurate according to the best efforts and knowledge of said Participant or Seller.

(b) Any data submitted to the Exchange by either a Participant or a Buyer or its agent(s) must be true and accurate according to the best efforts and knowledge of said Participant or Buyer.

2.2 Consequences of Submitting Inaccurate Data

(a) Data submitted by a Participant on SPECCX that is later shown by evidence, deemed credible in the discretion of the Company, to have been inaccurate when given may result in consequences up to and including suspension from the Exchange.

3. Execution of a Trade

3.1 Eligibility for Creating an Offer

(a) A Participant may create a valid offer to enter into a transaction involving a Product on the Exchange.

(b) A Participant or its agent must establish the Essential Elements of an Offer in order to create an offer to enter into a transaction.

3.2 Essential Elements of an Offer to Enter into a Transaction

The essential elements of an offer to enter into a contract on the Exchange consist of:

(a) Settlement Period,

(b) a Product that consists only of Commodities, as defined herein, except where the Exchange has no offers with respect to a given Product, in which case the Exchange may buy or sell such a Product grown by a third-party.

(c) Pricing Terms.

(1) Pricing Terms for an offer to buy must consist of

(a) the maximum unit price that the Buyer will pay,

(b) the maximum quantity demanded by the Buyer,

(c) the maximum distance, in miles, between the Buyer's place of delivery and a potential Seller's place of business, and

(d) the Buyer's desired delivery terms

(2) Pricing terms for an offer to sell must consist of

(a) the unit cost of a commodity of the Seller,

(b) the Seller's desired markup of price over its unit cost,

(c) the maximum quantity supplied by the Seller, and

(d) the maximum distance between the Seller's place of business and a potential Buyer's place of delivery.

(e) the Seller's desired delivery terms

(d) Activation of General Offer

(1) An active offer is an offer that a Participant affirmatively indicates as “Active”.

(2) Only an active offer for a Product can be accepted by a counter-party.

(e) Activation of Specific Offer

(1) A Specific Offer is active upon submission to a potential counterparty.

3.3 Creation of Pending Transaction

(a) The creation of a pending transaction on the Exchange comes about

through the activation by Participants of General Offers whose terms are sufficiently similar, in the discretion of the Company, as to be deemed by the Company a match, or

through a Specific Offer submitted by a Participant whose terms are sufficiently similarly to those of an active General Offer as to be deemed by the Company in its discretion a match.

3.4 The creation of a contract occurs when

(a) the Buyer submits a timely approval of a pending transaction to the Exchange through means that are deemed proper according to the discretion of the Company, and

(b) the Seller submits a timely approval of the pending transaction to the Exchange through means that are deemed proper according to the discretion of the Company.

(c) Timely Approval - Approval is timely for purposes of this subsection if approval is given by the Buyer or Seller within three (3) calendar days of the creation of a Pending Transaction whose timestamp is recorded in the appropriate table of the Exchange’s Database.

3.5 Rights and Obligations of a Buyer as to a Seller

(a)Through the Exchange a Buyer has the rights and obligations with respect to a Seller in accordance with the terms of a contract between the Buyer and Seller.

3.6 Rights and Obligations of a Seller as to a Buyer

(a)Through the Exchange a Seller has the rights and obligations with respect to a Buyer in accordance with the terms of a contract between the Buyer and Seller.

3.7 Effect of Failure to Satisfy All Obligations Under a Contract Executed on the Exchange

(a)  Failure to satisfy all obligations under a contract executed on the Exchange constitutes a material violation of the Rules of SPECCX.

(b)  The decision whether a failure under 3.7(a) has occurred is a matter of discretion of the Rules Committee of SPECCX.

4. Duty to Pay Final Price Upon Agreement

4.1 Duty of the Exchange to Pay Seller

(a) Payment is timely for purposes of this subsection if made within (30) calendar days of receipt by the Exchange of Settlement Price of the Buyer.

5. Transaction Fee

5.1 Duty to Pay Transaction Fee for Settlement on the Exchange

(a) A transaction fee is payable to the Exchange by both Buyer and Seller upon the Settlement of a SPECCX Contract.

5.2 Duty to Pay Transaction Fee for Settlement outside of the Exchange

(a) A transaction fee is payable to the Exchange even though a transaction as to a given product settles outside of the Exchange, given the satisfaction of each of the following conditions.

(1) Within one (1) year prior to a transaction outside of Exchange between participants on the Exchange,

(i) the Buyer activated on or through the Exchange an offer to buy a given product, which is subsequently purchased by the Buyer or its agent(s) outside of Exchange from a current or past Seller on Exchange, whether or not the Seller made an offer to sell such a product on Exchange, and

(ii) the Seller activated on or through the Exchange an offer to sell a given product, which is subsequently sold by the Seller or its agent(s) outside of the Exchange to a Buyer on the Exchange, whether or not Buyer made an offer on or through SPECCX to buy such a product on Exchange.

6. Delivery of Product Data

6.1 Best Efforts Requirement

(a) Upon request by the Exchange, a seller must use best efforts in making truthful disclosures, prescribed by the Exchange, as to the physical and chemical attributes of any product offered for sale on or through the Exchange.

6.2 Timely Basis of Delivery

(a) Delivery of data under section 6.1 must be made on a timely basis by the Seller.

6.3 Failure to Comply

(a) Failure to deliver data on a timely basis pursuant to this section may result in delisting of the Seller from the Exchange.

7. Non-solicitation of New Counterparties

7.1  No Solicitation.  A Participant, Buyer or Seller shall not solicit to transact off of the Exchange for the Non-Solicitation Period other Participants, Buyers or Sellers with whom no previous transactions have occurred.

7.2  Buyer Includes Related Wholesaler.  For purposes of this section, a Buyer includes a wholesale or cooperative in which the Buyer has an ownership interest.

7.3  Non-Solicitation Period.  The Non-Solicitation Period is three years from the Participant’s Effective Date of the SPECCX Agreement, as defined in Section 1(k) of these Rules. 

8. Regulation of the Exchange

8.1 SPECCX Right to Cancel Contracts

(a) The Exchange reserves the right to cancel a contract that, in the discretion of SPECCX, clearly reflects a mistake by a Participant.

(b) The Exchange reserves the right to change the Rules of the Exchange at any time. Notice of no less than 30 days will be provided to all Participants. The means of giving notice is at the discretion of the Company and/or Exchange.

9. Terms of Contracts on SPECCX

9.1 The SPECCX Transaction Fee

(a) The amount of the transaction fee retained by SPECCX, LLC ("SPECCX Transaction Fee") will be calculated by SPECCX pursuant to the SPECCX Agreement executed by each party to this Agreement.

9.2 The Amount of the Final Payment

(a) The Buyer shall pay through SPECCX a Final Fee in an amount equal to the Final Agreed Upon Price for the Grant of Ownership plus the SPECCX Transaction Fee.

(b) Seller shall pay to SPECCX a transaction fee out of the Final Fee in an amount that is consistent with the terms in the Seller’s current SPECCX Agreement.

9.3 The Timing of the Final Payment

(a) Buyer shall make payment of the Final Fee to SPECCX, LLC on or before the Due Date, defined as the thirtieth (30th) calendar day immediately following the Delivery Date.

9.4 Binding Upon Parties

(a) This Agreement shall bind the parties and their respective successors and assigns.

9.5 Assignment of Rights within a Contract Executed through SPECCX

(a) Notwithstanding any prohibition on the transfer of a contract entered into by a Buyer and Seller on the Exchange, either Buyer or Seller may assign any or all of its rights within such contract on SPECCX to a third-party provided that (i) the assignment is in writing, (ii) this writing is delivered to SPECCX on a timely basis and (iii) the counterparty to such contract is not, in the discretion of SPECCX, placed in an unfavorable position as a result of the assignment.

9.6 Delegation of Duties within a Contract Executed through SPECCX

Notwithstanding any prohibition on the transfer of a contract entered into by a Buyer and Seller on the Exchange, either Buyer or Seller may delegate any or all of its obligations within such contract on SPECCX to a third-party provided that (i) the delegation is in writing, (ii) this writing is given to SPECCX on a timely basis and (iii) the counterparty to such contract is not, in the discretion of SPECCX, placed in an unfavorable position as a result of the delegation.

9.7 Failure to Pay as Material Breach

(a) The failure to pay by Buyer according to the terms of an Agreement on SPECCX amounts to a material breach of the Agreement.

9.8 Cure of Breach

(a) The Buyer has 10 calendar days from the end of the 30 calendar days set forth in Rule 9.3 to cure any material breach, whether due to a failure to pay, as defined in Rule 9.7, or any other reason that gives rise to a material breach.

9.9 Cancellation for Failure to Cure

(a) If cure of the breach does not occur within the period defined in section 9.2, then the Seller may cancel the Agreement and seek other remedies available at law or at equity.

9.10 Governing Law

(a) This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Tennessee without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule that would require or permit the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than those of the State of Tennessee.

9.11 Complete Agreement of Parties

(a) This Agreement is the complete agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and all negotiations and understandings are merged herein.


Last Modified: February 6, 2025


Red ripe tomato with green stem on a black background.